23 research outputs found

    From authoritarianism to upheaval : the political economy of the Syrian uprising and regime persistence

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    The ensuing bloodshed and deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Syria, the failure of the United Nations Security Council to reach a consensus on what action to take, and the involvement of contending external actors partially reflect the complexity of the current impasse. Despite the importance of regional and international factors, however, this papers attempts to argue that the domestic dynamics of the Syrian crisis have been vitally important in determining the course of the popular uprising and the regime’s response. In this, Syria’s crisis belongs with the Arab Spring the trajectories and prospects of which have been shaped by dynamics within regimes. It will be seen that the formal and informal institutional structure of the Ba‘thist regime in Syria has been critical to its resilience and ability to stay united so far while attempting to crush a peaceful popular uprising that turned into insurgency in the face of the regime’s violent crackdown


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    今日の䞭東諞囜においお、゚ゞプト、シリア、むラク、リビア、む゚メン、アフガニスタン等、統治䜓制の困難を抱えおいる囜々は地域的な暎力䞻矩の枩床ずなり、ニュヌペヌク、ロンドン、マドリッド、ゞャカルタ、ニュヌデリヌ、パリ、ブリュッセルなどを暙的にした囜際テロリズムの震源ずなっおきた。これらの背景には瀟䌚的な極床の䞍平等貧困の問題があるのであり、単に安党保障䞊の芳点のみの察応策では䜓制の暩嚁䞻矩化を助長するこずで瀟䌚の矛盟を拡倧させ、過激䞻矩の拡倧に資するだけである。アラブ䞖界の諞囜家はか぀おは過激な「アラブ民族䞻矩」の䞻匵で囜民の支持を埗おきたが、それらの䞀郚は莫倧な石油収入に頌るこずで囜民ずの正垞な関係の構築に倱敗し、少数の支配者局による暩力の独占に終始しおきた。その結果ずしお珟圚䞭東地域の若幎局は、䞖界でも最も自らの瀟䌚経枈から疎倖され、抑圧された状況に眮かれおいる。゚ゞプトむラクなどの各囜では䌝統的な蟲業生産の基盀が長期的に砎壊され、食料の倚くを茞入に頌るに至っおいる。域内の各囜はこうした珟状に察凊するどころか党くの機胜䞍党に陥っおいるのである。さらに2010 幎末以降の短い「アラブの春」によっお芚醒した若者の䞀郚は、その埌の政治状況の暗転のなかで「むスラヌム囜」などに流入し、アフマドダッラヌりィヌのように悲劇的な最期を迎えた䟋もある。これたで米囜の察䞭東政策は成功しおきたずは蚀い難く、むしろ新たな玛争の火皮ずなる瀟䌚の分裂ず察立を助長するこずに終始しおきた。その最終的な垰結ずもいえる「むスラヌム囜」の問題を乗り越えるためには、軍事的な察抗手段に蚎えるのではなく、経枈成長ず分配の平等、囜民に開かれた民䞻的統治システムなど、たさに「アラブの春」で垌求された理想の実珟を図っおいく以倖にはあり埗ない


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    本論皿が䞻に論じるのぱゞプトで30幎近く続いたムバヌラク政暩の転芆埌の暩嚁䞻矩䜓制ぞの移行過皋、ずりわけ2013幎6月のモハンマドモルスィ政暩厩壊ずその埌のアブデルファッタヌフスィヌスィヌ倧統領の蚱での暩力集䞭である。スィヌスィヌ政暩が先行するムバヌラク䜓制サダト䜓制ナセル䜓制などず著しく性栌を異にしおいる点に぀いおは倚くの先行研究が論じおいるが、同囜の政治システムの移行過皋に぀いおはこれたで充分な議論がなされおこなかった。 スィヌスィヌ䜓制は先行する䜓制ず異なり、その政治支配の基盀を政党に眮いおいないこずが特城ずしお挙げられる。スィヌスィヌ倧統領は支配の根拠を政党政治ではなく、軍や譊察、叞法などの匷力な囜家機関を背景にした個人支配の原理に眮いおいる。本論皿ではこのような支配䜓制のあり方を可胜にしおいるモルシヌ政暩厩壊埌の゚ゞプト内倖の政治環境、暩力集䞭を可胜にしおいる構造的背景、政治システムの移行過皋に぀いお新たな芖角から論じようずするものである

    The rise of the Kurds in the Syrian conflict

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    革呜に抗する支配 : ゚ゞプト叞法暩力ず暩嚁䞻矩䜓制の埩掻

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    ゚ゞプト政治を扱った本論皿で䞻に論じるのはホスニ・ムバヌラク元倧統領の眷免以降の政治過皋における叞法界の存圚である。゚ゞプト叞法界はムバヌラク䜓制厩壊埌の遞挙における䞍正ぞの介入を通じお゚ゞプト政治の䞻圹に躍り出た。゚ゞプト叞法界はこの間民䞻化を垌求する囜内の様々な政治䞻䜓やその政治過皋に察しお絶倧な圱響を䞎え続け、他方でムスリム同胞団の統治期には非むスラヌム䞻矩的な䞖俗䞻矩勢力偎もたた同胞団の暩力行䜿に察抗するべく叞法的な手段に蚎えるこずが床々であった。だがこうした叞法の意図的な介入がいかに 2011 幎以降の゚ゞプトの移行過皋を倧きく阻害し、やがお軍郚が囜内の党暩力を掌握するに至ったかを分析し明らかにするのが本皿の目的である。本皿の構成ずしおは、12011 幎以前のムバヌラク䜓制䞋における゚ゞプト叞法界の独立性ずそれが䜓制末期に次第に䜓制偎に取り蟌たれおいく過皋を怜蚌し、2ムバヌラク䜓制埌から同胞団系のムルシヌ倧統領の眷免に至るたでの間に叞法界がいかに゚ゞプトの政治プロセスに関䞎したかを具䜓的に跡付け、怜蚎を加える。以䞊の議論を通じお゚ゞプト叞法界が政治的移行過皋における各政治勢力間の合意圢成をいかに阻害し、遞挙の結果に基づいた実効性ある議䌚制床ず政治組織の定着を劚げ、その結果ずしお゚ゞプトにおける暩嚁䞻矩的支配の埩掻を助けるこずになったかが明らかずなるだろう

    Trajectories and outcomes of the \u27Arab Spring\u27 : comparing Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria

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    Almost three years have passed since the \u27Arab Spring\u27 began in late 2010. In the major sites of popular uprisings, political conditions remain unsettled or violent. Despite similarities in their original opposition to authoritarian rule, the outcomes differed from country to country. In Tunisia and Egypt, processes of transiting from authoritarian rule produced contrasting consequences for democratic politics. Uprisings led to armed rebellion in Libya and Syria, but whereas Gaddafi was overthrown, Asad was not. What explains the different trajectories and outcomes of the Arab Spring? How were these shaped by the power structure and levels of social control of the pre-uprising regimes and their state institutions, on the one hand, and by the character of the societies and oppositional forces that rose against them? Comparing Tunisia with Egypt, and Libya with Syria, this paper discusses various factors that account for variations in the trajectories and outcomes of the Arab Spring, namely, the legacy of the previous regime, institutional and constitutional choices during "transition" from authoritarian rule, socioeconomic conditions, and the presence of absence of ethnic, sectarian and geographic diversity

    Sudan and Egypt’s hydro-politics in the Nile river Basin

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    Using material, ideational, and geopolitical power Egypt used to control the conduct of its southern neighbors, particularly Sudan, in the utilization of the Nile River waters. Recent regional and domestic transformations in the Middle East and Horn of Africa, particularly after the ‘Arab Uprisings’ of 2011, have undermined Egypt’s influence and reshaped the hydro political landscape in the Nile basin. As a result, Sudan and Ethiopia are now influential actors in the Nile basin who play central roles in the Middle East-Horn of Africa relations. The academic literature and news coverage of the water dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia overlook the Sudan’s strategic position as a midstream state that has accelerated the basin’s hydro political shift in Ethiopia’s favor. The paper argues that Egypt’s loss of Sudan’s unconditional and explicit support for its “water rights,” recognized by the 1929 and 1959 water agreements, has changed the former’s long-standing hegemonic position in the Nile basin in favor of upstream states. The paper contends that Sudan’s changing position over the Nile hydro politics has been the result of three main major developments. First, the decline of Egypt’s material and ideational power in the Middle East and Africa. Second, Egypt’s foreign policy goals have been constrained due to its massive economic dependence on the Gulf oil-rich states that seek to improve their food security and regional interests through increasing their physical, political and economic presence in Sudan and Ethiopia. And third, Egypt’s former hydrological veto power over construction projects on the Nile has ended as new power relations between upstream, downstream, and non-riparian states reconfigured the regional order of the Nile basin in favor of upstream riparian states